Cosmopolitan Lodge No. 1 F.&A.M. Prince Hall Affiliated of Hawaii


Bro. Garrett A. Morgan, Sr. inventor traffice light and gas mask
Bro. Robert Abbot - Founder of the Chicago Defender
Bro. Richard Allen - Founder/first Bishop of the A.M.E. Church
Bro. Alexander T. Augusta - First African-American to head a hospital in the U.S.
Bro. Marion Barry - Former Mayor of Washington, D.C.
Bro. William "Count" Basie - Orchestra leader/composer
Bro. James J.G. Bias - Founder of the Philadelphia Vigilance Committee
Bro. Henry Blair - First Black to recieve a U.S. patent
Bro. James Herbert "Eubie" Blake - Composer/Pianist
Bro. Edward Bouchet - First Black to be elected to the Phi Beta Kappa Society
Bro. William Wells Brown - First Black to publish a novel
Bro. Nathaniel "Nat King" Cole - Singer
Bro. Ossie Davis - Actor/Director/Playwrite
Bro. Martin R. Delany - First Black to matriculate from Havard Medical School/First Black Major in the U.S. Army
Bro. W.E.B. DuBois - Educator/author/historian
Bro. Alexander Dumas - Author
Bro. Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington - Orchestra leader/composer
Bro. Medgar Wiley Evers - Civil Rights leader
Bro. James Forten - Abolitionist/manufacturer
Bro. Timothy Thomas Fortune - Journalist
Bro. Alex Haley - Author
Bro. William C. Handy - Composer
Bro. Matthew Henson - Explorer
Bro. Benjamin L. Hooks - Former Executive Director of the N.A.A.C.P.
Bro. Jesse Jackson - Founder of the Rainbow Coaltion and Operation Push
Bro. Maynard Jackson - First black mayor of Atlanta
Bro. John H. Johnson - Publisher of Ebony and Jet magazines
Bro. Jack Johnson - First Black heavyweight boxing champion in U.S.
Bro. Absalom Jones - First Black Priest in the Episcopal Church in U.S.
Bro. Dr. Ernest Everett Just - One of the founders of Omega Psi Phi and renowned zoologist
Bro. Don King - Boxing promotor
Bro. Lewis Howard Latimer - Inventor of the carbon filament for light
Bro. Thurgood Marshall - Former Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
Bro. Benjamin E. Mays - Former President of Morehouse College
Bro. Leon M'Ba - First President of the Republic of Gabon
Bro. Kweisi Mfume - Executive Director of the N.A.A.C.P.
Bro. Richard Pryor - Comedian/Actor
Bro. Alexander Pushkin - Poet/Novelist/Playwrite
Bro. A. Philip Randolph - Founder and First President of the International Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
Bro. Charles Rangel - U.S. Congressman
Bro. Joseph Jenkins Robert s -First President of the Republic of Liberia
Bro. "Sugar"Ray Robinson - Former mid/light heavyweight boxing champion
Bro. Arthur A. Schomburg - Historian/Author
Bro. Rev. Al Sharpton - Civil Rights Advocate
Bro. Carl B. Stokes - First Black Mayor of Cleveland, OH
Bro. Louis Stokes - Former U.S. Congressman
Bro. David Walker - Author of "David Walker's Appeal
Bro. Booker T. Washington - Educator and Fonder of the Tuskegee University/Institute
Bro. Daniel Hale Williams - First surgeon to perform open heart surgery
Bro. Bert Williams - Actor/Comedian
Bro. Granville T. Woods - Inventor
Bro. Andrew Young - Former Mayor of Atlanta and U.N. Abassador
Bro. Lawrence Douglass Wilder - The First Black elected Governor in this country from Virginia.

Bro Dr Charles H Wesley - Author "The History of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the State of Ohio 1849–1971".